Sec: Unclassified Breezy install guide

Wayne wellery at
Wed Aug 31 05:38:19 UTC 2005

My understanding was it wasn't supposed to go into detail. There is 
supposed to be a more detailed install guide that is to supplement this 
which is what the link to the more detailed guide is supposed to link 
to. The only problem is the detailed guide isn't started and September 8 
is approaching fast.

Matt Kirchhoff wrote:
> Quoting "Stoffers, Robert LAC" <Robert.Stoffers at>:
> | I was just taking a look at the install guide and find it rather basic. The
> | images are good, but for the most part it doesn't explain anything. For
> | example, it doesn't go into enough depth when partitioning hard drives except
> | to say "just hit next and don't worry about it" or something along those
> | lines. This theme is carried out in other parts of the document too. 
> | 
> | I think including this document as is would hinder rather then help new users
> | install Breezy. Its a good start, but needs a lot of work.
> | 
> Well, you're right, it doesn't go into any detail, but that was my goal. As the
> assumptions note, the user is expected to have backed up data and informed that
> all data will be erased. As a result, there is no need to go into more
> partitioning detail.
> Also, I wrote this guide for non-technical friends and co-workers, whose eyes
> would glaze over if any more detail were presented :) Hence the "don't be
> intimidated, just continue" approach.
> Like I said before, if anyone would like to use the images or any of the text
> and incorporate them into another guide, please do so! Just want to help
> non-technical users try Ubuntu in all its glory!
> Cheers,
> Matt Kirchhoff

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