What is best for the documentation?

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Mon Aug 1 21:14:32 UTC 2005

Jeff Schering writes: 

> On 8/1/05, Matt Galvin <matt.t.galvin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it just me. Rob just said not long ago that the FAQ Guide is pretty
>> much done. Why are we going to pick bits out of the FAQ Guide and move
>> it somewhere else. Its already done. Am I missing something here. What
>> is the point of creating other doc that covers the same things as the
>> faq, the same way, just less of it.
> Hi Matt, 
> No, it's not just you, and you're not missing anything. :-) Moving
> info from the FAQ guide (and other sources) to Ubuntu Help is exactly
> what I was suggesting. Ubuntu Help puts the info right in front of the
> user when he or she opens help. It's a bit of a change in direction
> for us, but, imho, also in the best interests of the end user. But if
> we decide to put it off until after breezy, that's fine by me. (Also,
> I can't see us getting it done in time if Ubuntu Help stays in baz, or
> if there is a license change.)

I also like the idea of using our existing material to make a simple Ubuntu 
Help. I don't think it should be seen as undermining the FAQ guide in any 
way: because it is quite clear that the emphasis of this shorter guide is 
clarity, and simplicity. The faqguide is a lot more comprehensive, and I 
hope it will play the role that ubuntuguide.org plays now. I also don't 
think that MPT wishes his help document to have an identical style to the 
faqguide, which is question and answer format. In sum I think that it is not 
right to 

I too believe that it will not get done in baz, if it is moved to svn I am 
willing to help. I have been thinking for a while that the Ubuntu Userguide 
is not going to get done in its current state: also a lot of it is simply 
redundant material which is reproduced in the Install Guide, or in the FAQ 
guide. The only parts of it which I really see as useful are the early parts 
which explain to the user what linux is, what GNU is, what linux is, and why 
it works. I think it would be nice to release those parts of that document 
with Breezy. 

>> Finish the FAQ as it is now.
>> Finish updating the Quick Guide.
>> Create a simple whats new doc like Davyd Madelys(These are really
>> great!!! I love these)
>> Finish up anything else we can. 
> Yes, we should be doing all of the above until we come to a consensus
> on Ubuntu Help. We should be able to do both: debate and make commits
> to the repos. Now that I've finished working on the style guide, I
> expect to be making a few contributions to the FAQ Guide myselt.

I agree: these things should get done, and I have no doubt with the current 
level of contributions that the FAQ guide will be ready for release. I also 
believe that the simple local help is an achievable aim, and I am willing to 
help out if the project is in svn. So I would add to the above list: 

Turn the UserGuide into a useful document for publication
Attempt to make LocalHelp work 

there are my 2 cents.

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