What is best for the documentation?

Jeff Schering jeffschering at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 20:22:45 UTC 2005

On 8/1/05, Matt Galvin <matt.t.galvin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it just me. Rob just said not long ago that the FAQ Guide is pretty
> much done. Why are we going to pick bits out of the FAQ Guide and move
> it somewhere else. Its already done. Am I missing something here. What
> is the point of creating other doc that covers the same things as the
> faq, the same way, just less of it.

Hi Matt,

No, it's not just you, and you're not missing anything. :-) Moving
info from the FAQ guide (and other sources) to Ubuntu Help is exactly
what I was suggesting. Ubuntu Help puts the info right in front of the
user when he or she opens help. It's a bit of a change in direction
for us, but, imho, also in the best interests of the end user. But if
we decide to put it off until after breezy, that's fine by me. (Also,
I can't see us getting it done in time if Ubuntu Help stays in baz, or
if there is a license change.)

Before any decision is made on whether or not the docteam will do
this, we should be doing business as usual; that is, working on the
docs in DocteamProjects.

> Finish the FAQ as it is now.
> Finish updating the Quick Guide.
> Create a simple whats new doc like Davyd Madelys(These are really
> great!!! I love these)
> Finish up anything else we can.

Yes, we should be doing all of the above until we come to a consensus
on Ubuntu Help. We should be able to do both: debate and make commits
to the repos. Now that I've finished working on the style guide, I
expect to be making a few contributions to the FAQ Guide myselt.


GPG Key: 1024D/F23C67E8 2005-02-20 Jeff Schering <jeffschering at gmail.com>

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