Ubuntu doc imports spec

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 02:19:56 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-29-04 at 11:38 +1000, Carlos Perelló Marín wrote:
> > > I have no clue if anything has been discussed at UDU for this process:
> > > the current system is that described on
> > > http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamStepByStepl18n
> > 
> > It doesn't look from the UDU schedule like that BoF has been scheduled
> > yet. However, it does seem to be awaiting scheduling, and so I expect
> > that a spec will be developed. Whether we'll need to review it I don't
> > know, but we can't if it's in the Launchpad wiki.
> We don't have scheduled yet the specific BOF about documentation, but we
> have talked about it a bit in some of the other BOFs related to Rosetta,
> specially the http://udu.wiki.ubuntu.com/LanguagePackRoadmap one, seems
> like we could integrate without too much pain the documentation updates
> like we do with language packs into Ubuntu.


Do you know if  the password protected sections on the launchpad's wiki
simply there to limit some preliminary stuff to canonical people, of if
you ask nicely you can gain access?

I have been trying to follow the UDU in recent days from remote, and ran
into quite a few of the unaccessible documents like the one about the
Doc Import Mary refers to in her e-mail.  I'm getting curious about
their content :)


Daniel Robitaille
 GPG: http://robitaille.fastmail.fm/pubkey.asc (0x5C19F466)
 IM Jabber: robitaille at jabber.org
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