Discussion not in English? (Re: Ubuntu-doc and french users)

matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com matthew.east.ubuntu at breathe.com
Mon Apr 25 09:38:22 UTC 2005

>> For this moment, we work on the wiki french page, so we don't use
>> Rossetta (for this time).
> Sure. My issue here was not so much about the use of Rosetta. Rather I am 
> concerned about all the different efforts on documentation. I think it is 
> better to focus on developing documents for Ubuntu/Kubuntu in English in a 
> single repository. In the English team, we have a hard time getting writers. 
> I expect it is the same for other languages. By grouping and focusing on a 
> single target and then relying on the translation process I think we can have 
> a greater impact.

I think this is a difficult argument: what is happening is that the French 
team and other teams are doing lots of translation work on the wiki (check 
out FrenchDocumentation and ItalianDocumentation for examples) as well as 
writing some of their own documentation. I think that this translation is to 
be encourages, as not everything from the wiki (in fact hardly any of it) 
makes it into our documentation. I agree that the translation of 
documentation team stuff via Rosetta is important, but if you want to argue 
that people should be focusing on a single target, I think that implies 
limiting English contributions to the wiki as well! 

I suppose this discussion is caught up with the question of getting a single 
source for documentation. Ideally that will happen, but for now I don't 
think we should discourage activity and translation of the wiki itself. The 
approach of the Italian community is to put effort into translating both the 
wiki and the Docteam documentation in Rosetta. 

> I realize that writers authoring in other languages may feel that their 
> English is not good enough and may even feel shy to contribute their docs in 
> English, but I think the English team is sensitive and understanding of this 
> and will support such authors by providing editing services on their work.

Absolutely. +1+1

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