Documentation for the handicapped

Luke Yelavich themuso at
Thu Apr 21 06:48:35 UTC 2005

On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 04:10:27PM EST, Sean Wheller wrote:
> On Thursday 21 April 2005 00:58, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> > As for devices, I think the issue here is more how they appear when
> > embossed. By embossed I mean printing the Braille out on a braille
> > printer, known as an embosser.
> >
> Testing on a plain embosser would be our best first step. At present I am 
> struggling with the difference between Braille 1 and Braille 2. The 
> contractions in braille 2 are the main problem and I have not found many 
> example implimentations for 8 key braille and no standard set for 
> 'moon' []

As far as I know, 8 dot Braille is only used with Braille displays, 
using the 7th and 8th dots for a cursor, etc. However I am not a big 
user of Braille, so there are probably many other uses that I don't know 

> I have however found a character set for 8 key.
> From the readme I quote:

I am not really up on documentation, character sets etc. What does 
unicode have to do with this?

> What worries me is the statement, "You may not incorporate them either wholly 
> or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them 
> without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium." So our trick 
> is not to distribute them.

What use are they for Braille?

> > I would be happy to try and answer any questions you or anybody else
> > has regarding Braille. I can also try and help you get in touch with
> > various people who work with it on a more regular basis if you like.
> Thanks, I have found a set of DSSSLs dating back to early 1900s. This would 
> require OPENJade. I would like ax XSL 1.0 compliant solution, do you know of 
> any?

Again, you have lost me here. I still don't see what this has to do with 

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