kubuntu ubuntuguide version

Jeff Schering jeffschering at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 16:09:57 UTC 2005

On 4/19/05, Abdullah Ramazanoglu <ar018 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I think it might be better to do a separation between "documenting experts"
> and "content providers", just like a publisher and an author. This could
> boost material input considerably. An author usually just wants to
> document his knowledge/experience etc. in some format most convenient to
> him. IMHO his focus should be on what he is good at, and he shouldn't be
> burdened with peripheral requirements and overheads (docteam procedures,
> rules, docbook/xml et.al. learning curve, etc). If a simple framework
> could be established so that anyone can submit documents in -say- text,
> html, or sxw/oot format (observing a few simple rules required by the
> framework), whichever suits him, which is then processed by the docteam
> and imported into docbook, then such a setup could provide an excellent
> fertile ground for a lot of contribution. In that case, the core doc-team
> probably no more provides content but just does engineering and publishing
> (of documents), organizing (of content providers), and tracking (of both).
> Isn't it more or less what publishers do? Another analogy would be debian
> packagers (docteam) and upstream developers (content providers). Just my 2
> kurush.

I like this concept. It would be suitable for someone who has just one
or two documents to contribute, but is either not interested in
joining the docteam, or does not have the time. The idea that "the
core doc-team probably no more provides content but just does
engineering and publishing" is a bit extreme, but as the team grows
there will probably be some specialization of skills split along those

I think in order for an author to make a one-time contribution, at the
absolute minimum he or she should only need to allow the work to be
released under the GFDL and CC licenses, and then just throw it over
our wall (in whatever format) and ride off into the sunset. We'll
convert it into DocBook ourselves. Hopefully, the author would want to
stick around and help us out with that, but hey, it's not a perfect

It would be a shame to refuse a contribution simply because it's not in DocBook!

GPG Key: 1024D/F23C67E8 2005-02-20 Jeff Schering <jeffschering at gmail.com>

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