
matthew.east at breathe.com matthew.east at breathe.com
Mon Apr 18 15:32:12 UTC 2005

[ISO-8859-1] Jo�o Cruz writes: 

> Cool, we'll do that.

Hi João, 

Couple of things you ought to note: 

1. If you translate the quickguide and we commit it to our repository, it 
will not get into hoary: hoary has now been released and it is pretty 
unlikely that we will be doing any more uploads. I know there are some 
language-pack uploads intended, and we can maybe take that up with the 
relevant people to see if there is _any_ possibility of getting it in. 

2. Naturally before the next release the quickguide is likely to change: we 
will be freezing it again for translation before release, this time 
hopefully we will have a better system for arranging translations than for 
hoary, which was very last minute. 

3. With this in mind, we will be speaking with the people who run rosetta to 
try and explore the possibility of getting our documentation translated via 
rosetta. We have some problems that we need to iron out with them. 

In conclusion, hopefully we will have an effective translation methodology 
in plenty of time to allow the documentation for breezy (the next version of 
ubuntu) to be translated, before release. 


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