Survey of Ubuntu Users [long]

Nick Loeve ubuntu at
Mon Apr 18 03:30:05 UTC 2005

Jeff Schering wrote:
> On 4/17/05, Sean Wheller <sean at> wrote:
>>In closing, I would like to outline the five phase model that I an other
>>Technical Authors use to quality the stages of a publicationsdevelopment life
>>Phase 1: Information Planning 10%
>>Phase 2: Content Specification 20%
>>Phase 3: Implementation 50%
>>Phase 4: Production 19%
>>Phase 5: Evaluation 1%
> I agree with planning and having a definition of the audience. A
> document plan lets contributing writers know what is needed, where to
> put it, and whom to target the text to.
> I don't have a lot of faith in the outcome of the survey; I just don't
> think there will be very many responses, or at least not enough to
> make a valid assessment of the documentation's readership. On the
> other hand, what do I know? It could be a resounding success.
> I propose the following: Put the survey up and collect data until May
> 6 or thereabouts. If there is not enough data to make a valid
> determination of the audience, then we go with this definition of a
> typical Ubuntu user: "Someone who is new to Linux, but not new to
> computers." Fair enough?
> In any case, you can put me down as +1
> Cheers,
> Jeff

+ 1

I am little doubtful of whether the survey will yield the response we
want as well, but we can only try, and it makes sense to try and use
production processes that have a proven record.

I think we should definately use the techniques that Sean is sharing
with us, because he has an extensive documentation background and
experience, and even if it does not go off perfectly we have a process
that can be built up as the doc team grows and as the ubuntu user base

trickie (Nick Loeve)

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