Survey of Ubuntu Users [long]

Jeff Schering jeffschering at
Mon Apr 18 02:25:06 UTC 2005

On 4/17/05, Sean Wheller <sean at> wrote:
> In closing, I would like to outline the five phase model that I an other
> Technical Authors use to quality the stages of a publicationsdevelopment life
> cycle.
> Phase 1: Information Planning 10%
> Phase 2: Content Specification 20%
> Phase 3: Implementation 50%
> Phase 4: Production 19%
> Phase 5: Evaluation 1%

I agree with planning and having a definition of the audience. A
document plan lets contributing writers know what is needed, where to
put it, and whom to target the text to.

I don't have a lot of faith in the outcome of the survey; I just don't
think there will be very many responses, or at least not enough to
make a valid assessment of the documentation's readership. On the
other hand, what do I know? It could be a resounding success.

I propose the following: Put the survey up and collect data until May
6 or thereabouts. If there is not enough data to make a valid
determination of the audience, then we go with this definition of a
typical Ubuntu user: "Someone who is new to Linux, but not new to
computers." Fair enough?

In any case, you can put me down as +1


GPG Key: 1024D/F23C67E8 2005-02-20 Jeff Schering <jeffschering at>

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