Worthwhile critique from Mathew Thomas
Sean Wheller
sean at inwords.co.za
Thu Apr 14 13:52:54 UTC 2005
Not sure I agree with everything said here, but it is still worthwhile
critique as it indicates may valid points where we need to focus on
documentation. For brevity I have excerpted the stuff relevant to
documentation. The full critique can be read at
http://mpt.net.nz/archive/2005/04/11/ubuntu (if the bandwidth has not been
The real problem I have with what Mathew Thomas is saying, is, that it is all
well and good to give critique but, since he is subscribed to the docteam
mailing list, it would also be good if he joined us and delivered his ideas
during development. It is easy to stand on a box and pull apart final
creations, not so easy to actually take part in building them.
The other issue is that Mathew, with or without intention, seems to miss one
very important point. The part of the community developing the docs on a
constant basis is small and most of them don't want formal approaches to
anything. The contributions come from people who do it for no money. We don't
have "documentation bounties" and it is hard to see how authors can make any
sort of living from open-source. The work of the docteam are much appreciated
'gifts,' as such, I nor anyone else, has the right to mandate what
contributors will give. As a result, what we 'need to do' and what we 'want
to do' are often very different things. Faced with formal approach we lost
most of our contributors. When we left it informal, we got people willing to
do things because it was what they wanted to do. I don't entirely agree with
this approach, the results can be seen in Mathews "most excellent critique,"
but so it was. The docs is svn have only been in development since xmas 2004
and the whole process of developing them is new to Ubuntu. In six months we
did allot considering the circumstances. Hopefully this time around we will
get greater cooperation in the form of contributions and opinions from
authors, users, developers and Mathew :-)
My comments are below.
Start excerpt
The help system
Mathew: 65. Computerized help systems have to be very, very helpful if people
will ever bother using them rather than asking a nearby human. The first step
to achieving this level of helpfulness is always being ready for use within
about one second of being summoned. Unfortunately, Ubuntu’s help system (on
this laptop, at least) takes about eight seconds.
Sean: It would be helpful to know the hardware platform running on Mathews
computer and how many other processes he was running during this test. I have
run the same test and have yet to find 8 seconds. One of the systems is a P1
with 128MB RAM. My feeling is that Yelp, while having its drawbacks, is
comparable with most help systems in the time it takes to load and find
information and while it is not the ideal tool, it is what we have in GNOME.
It would be great if some developers actually enhanced and improved Yelp.
Alas they do not.
Mathew: 66. The front page of the help system contains seven items, which are
worth examining in detail, because they demonstrate how users and developers
— even documentation developers — think about things in different ways.
Sean: Agreed. They do think in different ways. Personally I would like to
extend an invitation to Mathew to please make suggestions.
Mathew: * “Desktop”. This makes the unwarranted assumption that
people will consider the items in Gnome’s panels, for example, to be part of
the “desktop”, rather than being above or below the desktop.
* “Applications”. This makes the unwarranted assumption that people
visiting the top-level help page — that is, people seeking help without
having started any particular program — will nevertheless know what
“application” they need to use for the thing they want to do.
* “Other Documentation”. “Other” is a slippery word: it works only
if the rest of the categories are already clear, and they’re not.
* “Man Pages”. Teeheeheehee.
* “About Ubuntu”. This isn’t help, it’s a manifesto. Nothing wrong
with manifestos, but they don’t belong on the front page of a help system.
Sean: Correct it was only supposed to show from System > About Ubuntu and
ended up in Yelp also.
Mathew: * “Hoary Release Notes”. Again, this is interesting
information, but it’s not help.
Sean: Not help to who? After an upgrade most people look for the Release Notes
to find help on what is new. Perhaps there is no need for it in Yelp? Perhaps
we should put it in System > Release Notes
Mathew: * “Ubuntu Quick Guide”. This is a cool idea, but
unfortunately what’s provided is not a quick guide. A quick guide would be
one printable page, explaining (a) how to find programs, (b) how to find your
files, (c) how to turn off the computer, and (d) how to get more help.
Instead, the Ubuntu “Quick Guide” is dozens of pages long.
Sean: Fair enough. I challenge Mathew to please, in one printable page,
explain a-d. Perhaps, instead of calling it "Quick Guide" it should have been
"Quick Tour." Perhaps, since we have more people on the team now, we can
apply Methews model for the next version. I doubt it will be one page. In
general, I think we all agree with Mathew and Corey has pointed out some good
examples that we can use to base our ideas on.
Mathew: Part of the problem is that the Guide is greatly caught up
in its own minutiae. For example, it contains this morsel: “Also in this
release is the FAQ Guide which was ported from the Ubuntu Wiki to Docbook and
is now a permanent feature of the Ubuntu documentation project.”
If you know too much to understand the problem with that sentence,
here it is again, translated into a simulation of how a regular person would
understand it: “Also in this spurt is the Worple Guide which was worpled from
the Ubuntu Worple to Worple and is now a permanent feature of the Ubuntu
worple worple.”
I’m one of the 0.000002 percent of humans who are subscribed to
the Ubuntu Documentation mailing list, and they’re lovely people, but even I
just don’t care about this kind of administrivia. How will reading this help
anyone use Ubuntu? It won’t.
Sean: Agreed.
A real help system would have items on its front page like “Connecting
to the Internet”, “Using files from Windows”, “Printing”, “Chatting online”,
“Playing music”, “Making CDs and DVDs”, and “Troubleshooting”.
Sean: Mathew assumes that all users are of his psychographic profile and level
of computer proficiency. In an ideal world help systems would be based on
User Groups. So if you are an administrator you would get 'administrative
topics' and if you are a user you will get 'user topics.' Unfortunately the
help systems today are just not that advanced. So we need to provide context
to our help topics.
Mathew: 67. Having said all that, people have become used to the idea that
systems designed for browsing will be poorly organized and out of date (which
is why search engines are more popular than Web directories, for example), so
what they usually do instead is search. Unfortunately, Ubuntu’s help system
doesn’t even have a search function.
Sean: Let's correct that. GNOME Yelp does not have a search function.
Personally, I think we should not use yelp at all, rather stick to HTML and
CSS under ANY BROWSER. However, the docteam authors, at the time, wanted Yelp
or nothing.
Mathew: 68. Inside the help system, help for the majority of programs is
written in the form of a book. (For example, and I’m sorry to pick on the
Ubuntu Quick Guide one more time, its very first information-containing page
says insolently that “admonitions will be found throughout the book”.) Books
are useful, but they do not belong in on-screen help systems. On-screen help
needs to be written in a different style, with a different tone, and at much
shorter length.
Sean: Yes this is a general problem across all Linux help systems. Help is not
really help but a collection of 'User Manuals.' Hence the help system should
rather be called 'manual system.' On the otherhand, manuals are a form of
help. I think what Mathew wants from a Linux help system is content sensitive
help where short texts are shown in tip messages. Something like th e"What's
this?" in Windows. So if you click a checkbox on a dialog with the "What's
this?" you will get a short definition of the checkbox. Nice, but a royal
PITA to implement and maintain when you have a handfull of contributors.
All in all, Mathew has provided us with valuable input for which, personally,
I am gratefull. I do however think that Mathew should, when making critique,
place his comments in context of the technology the developers have at hand
and the environment in which they are developing. Slating something just
because you can, is not productive unless people understand the contexts.
Don't get me wrong Mathew, I value input, but as a wise man once said to me,
"Don't bring me problems I know about without suggesting a solution." It is
easy to look on in and throw in 2c went the work is over. My suggestion is
that Mathew join the docteam and get to understand documentation in context
of open source better. Sitting on a Mac, looking in, then having a say will
not give your critique much weight in the long run.
Sean Wheller
Technical Author
sean at inwords.co.za
Registered Linux User #375355
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