Recent changes to Ubuntu

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Thu Apr 7 11:45:38 UTC 2005

On Apr 7, 2005 7:16 PM, Sean Wheller <sean at> wrote:

> We also missed some really stupid things in About Ubuntu. We mention that we
> have Kubuntu and then later in the page say that we have not attempted KDE at
> this early stage due to restraints in humand resources to undertake such an
> effort. All the eye-balls in the world did not catch that one. I think it is
> because we encountered Kubuntu late. Anyway we will be much more aware of it
> next release since we will have integrated a documentation effort for Kubuntu
> into our repos.

I did notice it, and I blame myself now for not pointing it out
because I was fairly new to the Documentation Team and just came in
during the il8n phase. I assumed it was ok but then, all il8n has that
error as well. Let's charge this to experience. *grin*

In the chat room with Corey, he has some really nice ideas on
integrating the whole documentation procedure whatever is the end
product (wiki, docbook, etc.) in a logical way that all users,
especially the new ones will have to read. It's not nice when reading
yelp that when I find a page in the manual that tells me what to do,
but i have to read it elsewhere and is not included in the current
manual. This is especially so for people who migrate from another os
or distribution.

At the moment, we do have an awesome collection of docs but like what
Sean hass pointed out, everything is so decentralized at the moment.
In my former job, where I did some technical writing in an ISO
setting, the method of doing the manual should be documented, as well
as the history of the said document. I believe this is possible in our
current setting - we do need a cohesive system that allows us to have
proper audit trails as well as document history. The end result of
these documents are collected in a Documentation Masterlist that we
all refer to. I'm sure our current system is capable of such, we just
have to create proper procedures.

I may have missed a lot of stuff, especially because I have come in so
late, but these are the observations I have made when I started
contributing a few months ago.


Jerome S. Gotangco
GPG: A97B69A0 @
IRC: jsgotangco @ freenode #ubuntu, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-ph

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