Recent changes to Ubuntu

Jerome Gotangco jgotangco at
Thu Apr 7 06:35:04 UTC 2005

I will be in UDU, it'll be fun *grin* but we do have a valid issue
that needs to be raised.


On Apr 7, 2005 2:28 PM, matthew.east at 
> But it is a good idea IMO both to make a statement and also to get in on the
> loop via a representative if poss. Is ANYONE on the docteam going to be in
> UBU? enrico? If so maybe that is a good time to bring it up. If not, then
> perhaps before so that it can be discussed there.

Jerome S. Gotangco
GPG: A97B69A0 @
IRC: jsgotangco @ freenode #ubuntu, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-ph

Ubuntu Local Community Philippine Team

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