Creating consensus regarding page types in wiki

sparkes sparkes at
Thu Oct 28 20:09:58 UTC 2004

Ben Edwards wrote:
> Thats common sence to me - i've been developing interfaces for 0ver 15 years.

well why are you prescribing a method that runs totally contry to this idea?

> Not exactly sure what your point is.  My point was that the wiki and
> the official/polished documentation are diferent.  I think the wiki
> should be as easy as posible for new users to edit and the
> documentation use a very flexable standardised markup.

your point was the wiki and the main site should look and work 
differently.  My point was they shouldn't ;-)

The normal user is not a wiki editor they are a wiki browser.  The use 
case requirements are exactly the same from the end user perspective and 
they should therefore be expected to work exactly the same and look 
exactly the same.

> I think having the wiki looking a little diference is good.  Users on
> the main site who do a search and end up on a wiki page may be
> 'suprised' if it is not as polished as the main site.

well any pages that aren't polished should be clearly marked as work in 
progress.  Documents that are growing and evolving in the wiki might not 
always have the same polish as the rest of the site but they should 
always maintain the same professionalism.

If a contributed page isn't up to scratch one or more of the core team 
needs to wade in a bring it up to scratch.  I thought that was the main 
job of the wiki gardeners, to prune and maintain the flowers that make 
life unique ;-)

> There seems to be a bit of confusion here - there is a big diference
> between the requierments of a wiki and a documentasion CMS.

not really.  The wiki backend is a tool for document development but the 
front end should work exactly the same as the rest of the site.  The 
principle of least astonishment again you see ;-)

Think a little about the requirements you are talking of.  The end user 
requirements are exactly the same for the wiki and the plone cms.  I 
can't think of any end user requirements that are different for the two 
systems (and would therefore potentially justify any differences) but I 
stand to be corrected if you can think of one ;-)

remember end user requirements not editor requirements.  Count the 
number of editors on the wiki and compare that to the number of site users.

> Ben


<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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