Ubuntu documentation

Sivan Green sivang.ulists at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 19:20:03 UTC 2004

Reading through Lulu's post , and noticing on the Meeting's timetable
that there is now a majority of people who will not be able to attend
on this coming friday, I'd like to have it next week :)

Oppinions ?


On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:52:26 +0100, Louise McCance-Price
<lu at canonical.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I think that LinuxFormat review rating on Ubuntu documentation will
> change in due course (on their next review) with such an awesome team on
> board :o)
> IMHO we need to concentrate on getting excellent documentation produced,
> not worry so much where it will live. Documentation has not been the
> focus until now - we have been intent on getting the Ubuntu distro out
> and that's why documentation couldn't be a priority then, but we are
> changing that now!
> There's been much discussion about what the distinction is between the
> wiki and the website.
> and I'm sure we'll discuss this in the meeting again. I know location,
> location, location, but the Documentation area on plone sites is well
> known we have a structured area on the site for documentation that is
> already in use, so let's use it.
> It's my understanding from SABDFL that the wiki is to be a brainstorming
> area where things evolve quickly and
> the community gets very involved. On the documentation side, he'd like
> to see that on the site, not on the wiki and the documentation team
> working on it there.
> He's keen to move FAQs to go straight into
> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq
> and HowTo's and tutorials into their areas - but if they are now
> finished, to put a line at the top "Work In progress" so people can
> contribute.
> No doubt we'll have more discussion, but why don't we get FAQs in as a
> start? and make what documentation we do have, accessible to our users,
> as that really is the whole point. Good documentation that is very easy
> to find.
> I am not around on Fridays, but am very keen to be in on the doc meeting
> so I hope I won't miss it.
> Have a great weekend and thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm.
> best
> Lu
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