What are YOUUUUUUUUUU doing????
Sivan Green
sivang.ulists at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 13:05:12 UTC 2004
I might require you as I'm doing the StartingTheJourney background
intro, I even posted to the list that I would like people coming from
windows let me know whay they don;t understand in linux so it could be
put together there as a single source of info. Let me know if you're
(glance at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartingTheJourney)
On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 18:12:42 -0400, Kevin Mulligan
<kevin at teamindecisive.com> wrote:
> Once the Wiki gets sorted, I will continue to help maintain it
> (spelling, grammar, ease of use, editting, formatting).
> John if you want I might be able to help with part of "Learning Ubuntu"
> from a Windows user perspective. Not sure how helpful I would be though ;)
> --Kevin
> John Hornbeck wrote:
> >Hello,
> > I would like to start a thread about areas in which people are
> >interested in working, and start having them work in those areas. We
> >are looking at about six months to get all the docs done for Hoary and
> >still try to get good docs into Warty soon. Here is a list of what I am
> >working on, and what I will be working on. Please post the same and
> >than we can start a wiki page listing who is working on what.
> >
> >"Learning Ubuntu Linux"(working title), this is the oh so controversal
> >book. I have started work and will be contacting people about helping
> >me with areas. If you would like to help, please shoot me a email off
> >list so that we can work together and colaborate. I will be keeping the
> >work of this book off list so as not to have to many hands in the pot.
> >It will be released GPL, and will be available online. I will be
> >posting pieces as I go, but until a structure is there, I don't want it
> >to be a debate piece.
> >
> >Emerging Technology: I will be writing wiki docs for emerging tech that
> >I find interesting or that others point me to. This will mainly be
> >stuff that has to be installed from source and mainly cvs. Examples:
> >Beagle, alot of mono related software, and setting up testing areas to
> >build cvs version's of things like evolution and other gnome
> >technologies. I am more than happy to have help on this.
> >
> >Wiki/website cleanup, I will be working around the sites spell
> >checking, fixing links, proof reading in general. I think this is a job
> >for everyone.
> >
> >Gnome User Guide, Please take this from me. I am currently working on
> >this but I HATE it. It needs to be done so i am doing it(with Sivan)
> >and I just think it is real bloated and uneasy to work on(I should be
> >telling you it is such a joy, and I just feel like I am having to much
> >fun with it :-)
> >
> >Those are the items I am working on. The book is my first priority,
> >because I want it to be able to go out around Hoary and to hopefully get
> >published around the same time.
> >
> >Your turn,
> >
> >
> --
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