What are YOUUUUUUUUUU doing????

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Thu Oct 28 05:52:14 UTC 2004

John Hornbeck wrote:
> Hello,
> 	I would like to start a thread about areas in which people are
> interested in working, and start having them work in those areas.  We
> are looking at about six months to get all the docs done for Hoary and
> still try to get good docs into Warty soon.  Here is a list of what I am
> working on, and what I will be working on.  Please post the same and
> than we can start a wiki page listing who is working on what.

> Your turn,

I'm planning on doing some work on the architecture of the wiki and 
making sure it's good for future expantion etc.  Things I am currently 
worried about include the addition of foreign (to me anyway ;-) ) 
languages and making these as acessable as possible within the current 

Once this is done I am planning on porting the other 'o so 
controversial' books from debian ;-)  The target is getting two versions 
of these done.  A warty one for current users and a hoary one being 
worked along side it.  This is another project that will look a mess in 
the wiki.  So I am probably going to edit it in subversion.  I will make 
the server accessable to all and write a quick script that keeps the 
copy in the wiki updated.  Anyone see any problems with this way of 
working?  The warty and the hoary one have a planned date of completion 
about the hoary release.  After this the warty one will remain almost 
static with only bug fixes and the hoary one will continue to get full 
support during the development of the next version.  And that's me 
sorted for the next year ;-)

I'm still running sid on my i386 laptop and will be for a while yet 
(probably until hoary becomes stable enough for me to help with 
debugging) but have warty running on a G3 powerbook so if any PowerPc 
centric things come along I can take a few of those.

<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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