I guess we could manage perfectly with only gardening and our new secretary.

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Wed Oct 27 19:50:28 UTC 2004

Sivan Green wrote:
> Hello Folks!

hey Sivan

>  I am posting this in content to remove the first topic of the Doc
> Meeting agenda, "Choosing a leader".

sure, Enrico is acting as secretary for at least the next few months 
with Mark S's blessing and the full support of all the doc guys at the 
CC so that's cool with me.

I think the problem Ben has was the fact that team leader is normally 
reduced to leader and that does raise some points among some of us. 
It's true that it's just surface semantics and we all understand the 
role played by team leader but it does raise defences among some of us.

The role of secretary with his magic wiki gardening gloves is a 
brilliant comprimise.  We have all the things required in a leader at 
this time without any potential negative bits.

> I'd like to hear oppinios till we reach consensus.

If we can get the core team to agree on this point we can probably 
forget about a team leader until after the hoary release.  I think this 
is the timeline the CC was thinking off anyway.

Another point we need to discuss is getting more man (and women) power 
in the documention project.  So perhaps we can add this to any agenda?

> Thanks!
>   Sivan

<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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