
Louise McCance-Price lu at
Wed Oct 27 17:08:39 UTC 2004

Hiya sparkes

In the Plone website we have different content types.  Depending on what 
content type, we have different formats available.

e.g. In documents, we have: Structured text, HTML and Plain text options 

in the Documentation area (Plone Help Centre), for FAQs, How To's and we 
Structured text
reStructured Text
Plain text

In ZWiki we have:

Structured text
reStructured Text
Plain text
MoinMoin markup

What do you suggest we use? MoinMoin for the wiki? reStructured text 
when we can and Structured text when reStructured text is not available 
as the default?

It would be good to standardise it. Perhaps Structured text for the 
entire website and MoinMoin for the wiki?

what are your thoughts?


sparkes wrote:

> Ben Edwards wrote:
>> I think moin is a good choice - problem is some very important stuff
>> is broken in zwiki moin - things like TableOfCentence[] and Regular
>> expression searches - I have mentioned these in the WikiWishlist.  I
>> cant actually find out what the equivalents are in RST - zwiki website
>> is down.  For me this is a show stopper.
> moinmoin's a shortsighted choice, even if it is a popular choice :-(
> ReST is better because it has a good path to docbook xml and from 
> there to any format we require.
> It's better to think in terms of documentation now and less of the 
> actual wiki.  Entering html and other cludges should be discouraged as 
> the docs become a more widereaching thing.  As the rest of the site 
> (including the all important doc section) are ReST we should do our 
> best to use that from the outset.

Soon cacheing on plone will be fixed and we will add the "join" 
functionality and more users will be coming in to edit the site.

Currently, in different sections, we are able to use different text formats.

For example:

Document = HTML, Structured text

>> Ben
> sparkes

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