seems down so a few questions

Ben Edwards funkytwig at
Wed Oct 27 11:08:24 UTC 2004

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 13:42:26 +0300, Alexander Poslavsky
<alexander.poslavsky at> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:30:26 +0100, Ben Edwards <funkytwig at> wrote:
> > > As an extra question: What will the default markup language be? Who
> > > would be able to find out?
> >
> > I think this is a BIG issue.  To reduce the barrier to entry of the
> > wiki from a technical point of view having lost of different markups
> > is real problem.  Its OK to have plain text and one other but we have
> > 5!.  HTML being the most worrying - it is  very flexible but is easy
> > to malform and will scare a lot of people away.  My gut reaction would
> > be to go for moin as that is what everything is already in and I think
> > it works well.
> lots of markuo possibilties do not work with moin, i would vote for
> moin,  reStructured Text and plain text (html as exception to some
> pages if that would be possible). Remove the rest.
> All this with reStructured Text as default

You realise you have just voted for no change;) - you noted for all
four except HTML then set - o and HTML.

I think we need to remember this is a wiki - flexibility is not the
issue for wiki - ease of use is.  This is a wiki, not a CMS - so I say
HTML is out.  I think we need to chose one markup method and stick to
it.  If it means going through the whole site and changing moin to
restructured text so be it - I offer to do a lot of this.

Lets not start compromising yet;)


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Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
WARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of
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