Ubuntu book

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Tue Oct 26 15:27:37 UTC 2004

Ben Edwards wrote:
> What debian material would you base it on?  Remember we are talking
> about an easy to understand guide for non-teche desktop users - i
> think?
> Ben
The debian users guide was based on the progeny users guide.  This was a 
debian based distro with similar aims to ubuntu.  world domination via 
the desktop route ;-)

so it starts with all the right stuff and just needs things adding to 
it.  This IMHO is a better start than reinventing the wheel just for the 
sake of it.

I am willing to co-ordinate the 'porting' of this document to ubuntu and 
the addition of the new bits required to fully realise the vision, plus 
the all important upstream version (something that is very important to 
me).  Because the rough outline is already there it might be posible to 
work on the new wiki with this document.  But it might be easier to work 
in a fully version controlled system using the original docbook for the 
time being.

I believe the target for the full ubuntu version of this document should 
be hoary but with a version being worked on now for warty so people can 
get benefit from it immediately.

We need to decide in the meeting what licences to use for generic docs. 
  I would prefer it for John's book to use a compatable licence to make 
it easy to share resources.  But if they have different licences we need 
to make sure we check with the authors of the other document we can have 
permission to relicence sections.


<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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