CC meeting preliminary notes

sparkes sparkes at
Tue Oct 26 15:17:07 UTC 2004

John Hornbeck wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 14:05 +0100, sparkes wrote:
>>John Hornbeck wrote:
>>>On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 08:15 +0100, sparkes wrote:
>>>I think you took my whole statement wrong. 
>>My words also look a little strong on reflection and I apoligise if they 
>>caused any offence but I stand by their meaning ;-)
> I respect your opinion, even though we may not be seeing eye to eye.  In
> fact I think we are alot closer to the same idea, but that it is hard to
> tell through written word.
You are entirely right on one thing ;-)

I think we agree on a lot more than we disagree on here so it would be 
better to discover what we agree on on irc.  Chats like this get taken 
out of context in the future and will make it look like we where at odds 
when infact we are in agreement on all but the details.

I have been really sick today but hopefully (as long as the CC meeting 
doesn't take too long) we can sort this out off list after that.


<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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