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Sivan Green
sivang.ulists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 14:32:12 UTC 2004
On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 14:24:47 +0100, Ben Edwards <funkytwig at gmail.com> wrote:
> "We are growing fast, and as everybody must have witnessed some things
> are starting to get out of control."
> Just for the record I do not agree with this statement and also think
> it is a bit early in the day to elect a leader (the word itself sends
> shivers up by spine). It is interesting that 'Electing a Leader' is
> the first thing on the agenda and the discussions so far on the list
> shows we are far from unanimous in feeling we need one.
I can understand you're not agreeing with this statement, but try to
imagine a person green new to ubuntu, not to mention, linux, not to
mention to wikiness.
Do you think he would find the current layout of both wikis usable? do
you think he would be able to navigate through all the good works with
the cluttering that's apparently happening? and I've yet to mention
the *new* wiki. How would he react when each and every one of us tell
him something bit different when he asks "How can I help?'" ?
> Do people really feel they need someone in charge to tell them what to do?
> It would be good to have someone take on a coordination role and
> liaison is also valuable but I guess the heretical nature of our
> society makes people always want someone in charge.
This is exactly what his role would be, a facilitator - not someone to
tell us what do,
just more of to give directions, to guide through the wilderness of
planning. This has succeded (ubuntu is an example of a such, if I am
not mistaken see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/governance
) in several places, to take people's eneregy and content to do stuff,
arrange it nicely and make the resulting product monolithic and
consistent. I hate to see all these good enregy get wasted just
because we have no real organization and/or authority to carry us.
We need this person also to take care of us for instance when we do
something and make sure to upate us or contact us if someone else is
doing the same, protecting our effort hours. He should be the central
point of collaboration for us. Not at all someone to "just" tell us
what to do.
Every good group has to have a leader IMHO, if only just to represent
it and take care about its interests according to the general
consensus. You can refer to him as the "guy ongaurd" :)
And yes, I've put it up as first on the list as I feel that before we
can go in, we need someone to allow us to concentrate on wiriting
docs, and take care all the dirty jobs of protecting our works and
help us see the how we fit in the big picture.
I am putting my best hours into this project, I would like to know
that there someone on the role, who'd stop changes in something I am
currently at, until I can come up and discuss this upfront, who'd make
sure every decision goes through the approval of the community before
it can be passed. This is a full time job, thus requiring a special
position in my view.
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