Answer to what is a grafter

Ben Edwards ben at
Mon Oct 25 21:49:25 UTC 2004

Graft is a kind of (UK) slang term for work - often used in conjunction
with hard  - hard graft.  Basically it means rolling your selves up -
getting your hands dirty - getting down to work and not complaining.

I have worked on many projects where the rewards are not monetary.  I
have found there are two main types of people in this arena.  There are
those who like power and think they are so good at ideas they should not
have to do much work.  Then there are those who are great at getting
work done.  They get the respect of there pears and are generally
modest.  I know this is an over simplification but...don't get me

The good managers I have worked for like 'getting there hands dirty' -
that way they have a better understanding of the issues.

Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
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