A few things
Sivan Green
sivang.ulists at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 15:17:09 UTC 2004
On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 16:31:51 +0200, Enrico Zini <enrico at enricozini.org> wrote:
> Total World Domination, of course.
> Or, more precisely, acheiving total world domination by documenting the
> fact that we dominate the world already.
Do we really want to let then know? :)
> > 2. Who is the doc team? This again I don't really know, I know of
> > myself, plovs, sivang, asw. Those are the ones I know, I think enrico
> > is in there somewhere, but he said he does not really write docs.
> Since there's already lots of very good people writing documentation, I
> see the need for someone doing the dirty job of tracking what's
> happening, keeping things linked together, spot/collect problems and
> solve them. Shortly put, oil the gears, so that everyone is happy and
> things are smooth, or glue the community so that it's not necessary for
> everyone to know about everone else in order to cooperate.
> Since that's mainly dirty job, I'm currently negotiating with Mark for
> some funding in order to do it. My involvement mainly depends on the
> outcome of that, and that's why I've been a bit cautious in taking
> responsibilities so far.
Just as enrico has outlined, I would like also to contribute on the
accounting , planning and desining stuff. From beggining I had
concrete ides and thoughts for the direction for the doc team and
makeup (I originally created
http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/DocumentationTeam and
http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/UDP , http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/DocDevel
, http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/HowDoc ) and would also contribute on
documentation, ( http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/StartingTheJourney ) ,
with a focus on hold my hand, gentle intro to stuff for the
> > 4. Should we be talking through mail instead of irc? Yes, we need to
> > convay ideas through mail and chat while we work in irc. If major
> > discussions happen in irc, we need to log them here. Not everyone can
> > be in irc all the time.
Well, I think the answer is all clear by now, and I think I got even
mentioned in regard to how good doing stuff on the list is :)
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