Who sabatarged http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Sun Oct 24 19:53:06 UTC 2004

Alexander Poslavsky wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 19:26:44 +0100, Ben Edwards (lists)
> <lists at videonetwork.org> wrote:
>>I could go on but just go and have a look.  What do people think.  I
>>don't want to do Major changes to the front page and cause a war so can
>>we please discuss this?
> i do not like it, i must say, all the internal main links dissapeared.
> I put them back and moved the ubuntuforums stuff to other links , a
> bit down.

it looked like a cheeky bit of trolling by forum users ;-) we need to 
look out for spam which might not be as harmless as this in the future.

Hopefully the new wiki will have some nice versioning so someone can 
just roll back the offending pages and less time will be lost fixing things.

This raises an issue about wikis in general.  We are an open community 
documentation effort and operate will little security and a lot of trust.

This is an excellent way to develop and we should attempt to keep this 
method and spirit as much as possible.  *anyone* can edit the wiki as 
until such a day comes that this is no longer possible we should attempt 
to keep it this way with as much effort as we can.
> we need to talk about who should be responsible for these kind of
> changes and how to act on them in the future, where should we draw the
> line?

I think the line shouldn't be drawn ;-)  At some point in the future 
important pages like this can be locked down a little but the wiki 
should remain open for as long as possible.

> greets, AP
> if I should not have done this, let me know gently please :)

totally happy with this.  Where offical resources exist they should have 
priority.  We are not talking about a company product that does not care 
about it's community but a product by a company that is doing it's best 
to nurture a community spirit and promote free software.

Offical resources (expecially docs) should always take priority in cases 
like this.  If people don't like this they are free to promote the 
offical docs.  It's easier to join this team and help than reinvent the 
wheel again.

<davee> "Sparkes, the Pete Best of LugRadio"

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