Ubuntu help file

Christoph Haas email at christoph-haas.de
Sat Nov 20 18:02:53 UTC 2004

Hi, Diogo...

On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 05:53:43PM +0000, Diogo Heleno wrote:
> on a different topic now. I find the Ubuntu help file 'Application > Help' is
> very basic. very very basic.

That's what we are currently sorting out. Just VoIP-talked to Sivan
about that. As you probably saw from another posting from today we are
trying to write a kind of "User's Guide". This will be done in DocBook
format which can also be used by the Application->Help program
(which is "yelp" by the way). So we intend to ship a package like
"ubuntu-users-guide" with Hoary that will integrate there.

The mess in that help feature comes from how scrollkeeper seems to work.
Every installation can register documents that the scrollkeeper picks
up. There's no single person who is maintaining that.

In Hoary I could imagine there would be a new point on the main level
called "Ubuntu User's Guide" where the Documentation Team is getting
Ubuntu-specific information together that will even help users that are
new to Gnome.

The next version of "yelp" is probably coming with a search feature so
this will simplify things.

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