Documentation Acceptance Process Proposal

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Tue Nov 16 13:46:27 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-16 at 15:24 +0200, Sivan Green wrote:
> Hello dear world!
>   The need for setting up some sort of doc team work scheme for 
> accepting new wiki / offline docs has been felt for ages, so now let us 
> start discuss a more formal plan. I had this in mind when starting up 
> with the Doc Team for long ago, and some of it may already be apparent on 
> HTTP:// .

I don't think any process should be in place for people posting to the
wiki.  I think that is trying to place way to much control over
something that we cannot control.  The wiki would lose if we started
making people let us know when they post, and making people submit a
approval for  a new page.  Wiki's are there so people can change and add
things as THEY see fit, not for us to dictate what should and should not
go on, if we do not like something as a group, it can be removed.

> Preliminaries for establishing a work acceptance process:
>      *  Setting up a wiki page  for people to link to their newly 
> submitted WikiPage / Document. We should device a format for submission 
> which would allow          us to contact the person who contributed, the 
> language he supports etc.
>          Tis can be  devided to :
>                        + FAQs
>                        + Howtos
>                        + Medium size pages / docs (tutorials)
>                        + Large documents (guides)
>     * Establish the documentation testing team:
>           * Have a list of people who would be willing to test drive new 
> docs , comment and be commited to do it :)
>           * Have a list of people from core team who would be willing to 
> also review, fix and test. (one or two).
Good idea.
>     * Make sure our svn server is on and capable, to allow for 
> submission of offline oriented or non wiki material for review and work.
Should always be on a capable :-)

>  From the contributing person point of view, we should have maybe modify 
> DocumentHowto to include some staged instructions for submitting:
> (this is a first proposed draft):
>   Okay, You've just completed your amazing howto, document or a carfully 
> crafted world domination plan and want to have it public?  What to do 
> next you might ask? Follow this to make you stuff matter:
>     * Go to the /SubmittedPendingDocs wiki page, link your new page from 
> there. If you made an HTML/DocBook or other format doc - then put it on 
> the web somwehre, or upload it to the wiki so we can view it.
>    * Post the mailing list with "subject: [PEND_REVIEW] <link to your 
> new doc>".
>    * be ready for some comments and discussion ;)
Most of this would be fine for offline/mainstream docs that we are
doing.  The thing is, if someone modifies a offline doc they have to
send a patch anyways, and if they want something added they have to post
to the mailing list.  I think these are good ideas, just for offline
docs they already just kind of work, and for wiki it is not resonable.
> Lemme here your thoughts...
> Sivan
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