Plan of action for the docteam

Alexander Poslavsky alexander.poslavsky at
Sat Nov 13 22:07:11 UTC 2004

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 23:03:40 +0100, Christoph Haas
<email at> wrote:
> Hi, Alexander...
> thanks for your thoughts.
> > In my opinion we should the following (please comment!)
> >
> > 1. The Faq has been turned into docbook, somebody should wrap it up.
> I'll look into it closer this weekend. But perhaps we should just upload
> the FAQ in XHTML form to the web site. Improvements can be done any
> time. Perhaps we just upload the current version every weekend.
> > 2. Somebody should proofread and check the faq after 1.
> Whoever has a little spare time: please check out the current revision
> using...
>  svn co
> ...and run "make". This should create a file called "faq.html".
> Alternatively you may just run "yelp faq.xml".
> > 3. the Howto's need to be cleaned up.
> Indeed. A lot of information is incomplete.
> > 4. We need an index-pages for different parts of the wiki (we need
> > dtml turned on in the wiki, enrico will need to start bugging upstream
> > for this).
> :)
> > 5. We need good newbie-documentation, we have some like:
> > and
> > We need it to make clear to
> > newcomers *what* they can do and *how* they can do it.
> Sivan Green said he is working on a to do list this weekend. We really
> need a table listing who is currently doing what. And a welcome page for
> new entries would be very important. Especially translators need clearer
> instructions.
> > 6. What documents are *really* important? We need a page of these,
> > these should be translated.
> How will we handle translated Wiki pages btw? Just Use HowToItalian
> instead of HowTo? I wish there were a way that the wiki could detect the
> browser's preferred language like many other large sites do that. Any
> Wiki experts around?
> Another word on translations: I would really love to see the new FAQ
> being translated. Volunteers could check out the faq.xml and translate
> it into faq-${LANG}.xml (faq-de.xml, faq-it.xml, ...). The faq.xml
> should be the master document. Every once in a while the translators
> should check out the 'diff's to the last time they translated the
> document and add the translated parts.
> Enrico: you are our Subversion God. What is the easiest way? Could you write
> up something on a Wiki page? How can we ensure the docs are in sync?
> > 7. Gnome-documentation, how much work is it to up-date?
> I assume we already agreed to ship the FAQ in XML format for Yelp with
> the Hoary release. Okay?

We need to make a faq-package, so it will be incorporated in yelp, who
is willing to do this?

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