Licencing of Documentation

Louise McCance-Price lu at
Thu Nov 11 11:24:07 UTC 2004

George Deka wrote:

>That works for me.
>But i do think having a standard would be good, so the GFDL in Mark's
>opinion  meets the ubuntu licence policy.
>Question: What if we had a modified GFDL without the invariant
>sections ? maybe call it the UFDL ?
sounds like a good suggestion
can you direct me to the exact invariant sections you are concerned about?

thanks George

>On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 14:49:23 +0000, Louise McCance-Price
><lu at> wrote:
>>Hi guys
>>Sorry - I didn't catch you, George, before you turned in.
>>There has been much discussion and I think this will work for everyone.
>>Mark is keen for it to be GFDL, but this will not be forced.
>>The creator of the document can choose what license they wish to use.
>>Derived works will remain under the license of the originator.
>>all best
>>George Deka wrote:
>>>both the GFDL and the CC Attribution are considered non-DFSG compatablile.
>>>I think the GFDL meets the OSSF guidlines on free.
>>>The reason why these two licences are not considered free is mainly
>>>due to the attribution requirment being so strict, in that it must be
>>>attributed in the same manner as the original. There are also other
>>>issues with the CC ASA licence.
>>>the debian-legal ML has had alot of discussion on these, there is also
>>>a debian-legal wiki that coveres the debian position on these
>>>The issue here is what free standard does ubuntu use DFSG or OSSF.
>>>On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:03:47 +0800, Arun Bhanu <arun at> wrote:
>>>>On 23:05 Tue 09 Nov     , Sivan Green wrote:
>>>>>On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 20:41 +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:
>>>>>>On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 06:17:21PM +0000, Louise McCance-Price wrote:
>>>>>>>I said I'd find out about the licensing of documentation.
>>>>>>>It appears the winner is:    GFDL
>>>>>>>let me know your thoughts on this.
>>>>>>Two questions:
>>>>>>1) GFDL documentation cannot currently go into Debian main.  Is there a
>>>>>>   reason why GFDL has been chosen even if it has this problem?
>>>>>>2) (more practical) do we track invariant sections in the wiki, or we
>>>>>>   say that wiki pages shouldn't have invariant sections except when
>>>>>>   approved by someone/some group?
>>>>>I must join enrico on this, Lulu maybe you have an idea?
>>>>How about using Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike[1] license?
>>>>       [1]
>>>>ubuntu-doc mailing list
>>>>ubuntu-doc at

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