Ubuntu Magazine [Was: On Ubuntu Marketing]

Benj. Mako Hill mako at canonical.com
Thu Nov 4 21:11:59 UTC 2004

On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 12:55:21AM +0100, John Levin wrote:
> >>I think a magazine would be cool, but are we talking something
> >>like Debian Weekly News or something different?  I see it as
> >>something to extend to the user and give them something alittle
> >>extra.  I personally know I read DWN everyweek.  If I am off base
> >>let me know, I just kinda glanced through the whole message.
> >
> >We already have Ubuntu Traffic; what would be great would be to
> >have some contributed articles in addition to the summaries of
> >mailing list traffic.
> I thought ubuntu traffic was a summary and digest of the mailing
> lists, and wasn't supposed to be more than that.

So far, I'm the only one that is writing Ubuntu Traffic and I have a
limited number of hours a week to put toward this. Keeping up with the
several thousands of message we post alone is nearly a full-time
job. :) If I'm the only one doing it, it's going to mostly summaries
of meetings on IRC and of mailing lists.

Now that said, I'd *love* to have longer features and such that we
include in Traffic each week. Traffic is already being featured in
Linux Weekly News each week and sent out on the Ubuntu-news mailing
list. I think it's can serve a great place to get a lot of publicity
for cool things that the DocTeam or other community members are
working on by either including links and stories about work you guys
are created or through including whole articles.

If it's going to require a change to the software I use to produce
traffic, that's absolutely fine. I've been experimenting with some
things to make IRC more trackable as well. Kernel Traffic is very
mailing list oriented but that doesn't mean that we have to be.

> If you want contributions to it, then great - what sort of stuff do
> you have in mind?

I think the better question is what sort of stuff do think is
currently lacking that leads to think an additional publication would
be necessary? We can start there. I have a feeling that the vast
majority would be perfectly at home in UT. :)

I apologize for my role in not working harder to bring Traffic closer
to the DocTeam together more than they are. The overlap between the
two projects seems extremely obvious and I think we would all benefit
from working closely together. :)


Benjamin Mako Hill
mako at canonical.com

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