New here wanting to help out

John Hornbeck hornbeck at
Thu Nov 4 14:02:08 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-04 at 18:06 +1100, George Deka wrote:
> Hi All,
> My name is George Dekavalas, i come from Australia. 
> I have never really done any documentation work but i think that it
> would be a good place for me to start to get involved.
> But unfortunatly i will need a little guidance, i will try to make the
> meeting tonight but dont count on it because its midnight here then.
> George
Welcome George,
	It is nice to have you on board of the doc team, and the best place to
start is You can register and hope right in and
start doing little things at first if you want like spell check, or if
you feel like you are up to it start making new pages.  I hope you find
everything alright and feel free to ask questions if you are stumped.

John Hornbeck

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