Outline for book is now on the wiki.
Ben Edwards
funkytwig at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 00:18:44 UTC 2004
Great start - I still think there should be a section at the beginning
saying who the book is for - i.e. its Audience.
I would also like to see a section on media players. Playing mp3,
ogg, DVD .mpg movies (including, dare I say it .avi/divX). this is
all stuff people expect of a Modern Desktop and the kind of thing
casual users would be likely to need.
A section on burning CD-DVD for backups/making music CDs would also be
good as this is also a biggie for a lot of users.
I assume the sections on email and firefox are both 'using/setting up'
I would also like to see in all cases when an application is mentioned
in the contence the application (i.e. Editing Graphics) and its name
(The gimp Mentioned).
And lastly, possibly as an appendix - a list of other useful software
and what they do.
On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 07:58:05 -0600, John Hornbeck
<hornbeck at freeshell.org> wrote:
> I put the complete outline for "Learning Ubuntu Linux" on the wiki
> http://ubuntulinux.org/wiki/LearningUbuntuOutline
> Please feel free to add to the book. On the outline page you can click
> on the Chapter names to be taken to the chapter pages. Please add all
> content and links on the chapter pages themselves. I want the outline
> page to stay clean that way if I am working in a chapter I have all
> links and your content right there. Feel free to make changes but if
> you are going to start changing the outline please consult here first.
> I have no problem with people jumping in but it should be discussed
> before major changes happen. Thanks,
> --
> John Hornbeck
> http://hornbeck.freeshell.org/blogger
> --
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Ben Edwards - Poole, UK, England
WARNING:This email contained partisan views - dont ever accuse me of
using the veneer of objectivity
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