[ubuntu-dk] SliTaz GNU/Linux distribution - help of translating info on danish wikipedia
david ozura
davidozura at gmail.com
Ons Mar 4 20:51:29 GMT 2009
Dear linux users from Denmark!
My name is David, I am from Slovenia and I am one of the contributors of the
quite new, fast and by users well accepted GNU/Linux distro called SliTaz.
*"SliTaz GNU/Linux is a mini distribution and live CD designed to run
speedily on hardware with 128 MB of RAM. SliTaz uses BusyBox, a recent Linux
kernel and GNU software. It boots with Syslinux and provides more than 200
Linux commands, the lighttpd web server, SQLite database, rescue tools, IRC
client, SSH client and server powered by Dropbear, X window system, JWM
(Joe's Window Manager), gFTP, Geany IDE, Mozilla Firefox, AlsaPlayer,
GParted, a sound file editor and more. The SliTaz ISO image fits on a less
than 30 MB media and takes just 80 MB of hard disk space."*
Please see more info on: http://www.slitaz.org or
Our slitaz community will be very happy if you can help us in translating (a
part / main part) of SliTaz's English Wikipedia to danish language.
Thank you for your answer in advance.
Best, David
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