[ubuntu-dk] Fwd: Announcement: SpreadUbuntu 0.1 - codename “evan”
Søren Bredlund Caspersen
soeren.b.c at gmail.com
Tir Nov 11 09:21:09 GMT 2008
Hej alle.
Spread Ubuntu gruppen har en alpha-version af deres DIY (Do It
Yourself) Marketings side i luften her: http://ubuntu.ec/su/drupal5/.
Ideen er at vi alle kan dele marketing materialer og genbruge hvad
andre har lavet. Siden er ny, og bl.a. sprog indstillingerne virker
lidt ustabile, men det kan være der er nogen af jer der har lyst til
at søge inspiration eller dele noget af jeres eget materiale.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rubén Romero y Cordero <huayra at ubuntu.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:01 AM
Subject: Announcement: SpreadUbuntu 0.1 - codename "evan"
To: "Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts"
<loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>
Hello fellow Ubunteros!
I am going to announce the first release of what in time will be come
the SpreadUbuntu Do-It-Yourself repository for marketing material.
This is not official yet, but calling it a usable alpha is not unfair.
I am asking all of you to tell members of your LoCo teams about our
project and invite them to use it, to come to our site and thus get
the repository bigger and more relevant for the global community! You
can visit it here: http://ubuntu.ec/su/drupal5/
I leave you the release announcement just below my signature.
Best regards,
Rubén Romero
After over two weeks of site tunning, bug fixing and lots of news
coverage (which, by the way, helped test the site) let me introduce to
SpreadUbuntu 0.1 - "evan"
Evan is by far the greatest contributor to our project and the first
release goes to him! Cheers mate!
So what do we have here?
The short story: SpreadUbuntu, a project by the Ubuntu Marketing team.
This release includes multilingual support and basic features of what
in time will become the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) part of the SpreadUbuntu
Marketing site. Among our features we have download, upload and share
all kind of ubuntu marketing material so we can all go out and SPREAD
ubuntu to the masses! Now you have no excuse for not having that flyer
in your own language, or the poster you saw *somewhere* on the
If this sounds interesting please read the long story. It can be found here.
Does this sound like something you want to be part of? The easiest way
to do it is to use the site yourself AND to tell everyone about it!
Besides that you can put your hands to work and become part of
SpreadUbuntu, we have already plans for 0.2. Our team and project are
in Launchpad, and we also have a space in the UbuntuWiki.
I hear you say it, but where is all this awesomeness?
Don't hesitate, you are NOT dreaming: it's right here!
You may kill our bandwidth, but hey, we can always upgrade our
slicehost plan for a month or two. As for the server I believe it will
be up to the task: It is after all running your favorite server OS
Go UbuSpreaders(tm), go!
loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
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