Dear mr. Santi Carlos, Global link Claim Agency Madrid, Spain; Tel: +34-627-834-267 Emails: globallinkclaim at netscape.net *I thank you so much for your friendly e-mail about me winnign 150,000 EURuro as the result of your Prize award among 100.000 companies and 1 million individuals around the world for your company = UBUNTU. I see that there are only a minor formality solve before you will send me the money - that I first pay for the insurance regarding the amount. Of course I find it resonable not to set you in futher expensis regarding the reward. Would you be kind enough to reply and give me the sact amount you want me to pay so there will be no unneeded troubles with the practical arrangements before you send me the money. I wish for you that you can stay at the above address for a long time so that I can also come and visit you after i get the nice reward and I am sure many will be interested in all the food you do for UBUNTU.. you must surely be a man od God! You can send the info to hc at no-xp.com Have a nice day and may God bless you my very good man :-) Stå tidligere op hvis du tror at du kan bluffe en gammel rotte. * -------------- næste del -------------- Et HTML-vedhæftelse blev fjernet... URL: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-dk/attachments/20051118/4e031484/attachment.htm