Fixing import errors and discouraging pushes

Barry Warsaw barry at
Mon Dec 3 21:07:47 UTC 2012

pykde4 is currently failing: 08:40:00.891722

I'd like to learn how to fix this in such a way that I can add some
suggestions to

This way, folks can fix problems for packages they care about.

What I did:

$ bzr branch ubuntu:pykd4 raring
# This results in an out-of-date branch
$ bzr branch raring fiximport
$ chdist apt-get raring source pykde4
$ cd fiximport
$ bzr import-dsc ../pykde4_4.9.80-0ubuntu2.dsc

Now, is this enough to bzr push the fiximport branch to ubuntu:pykd4 and will
that fix the importer for subsequent runs?  Is there anything else I need to
do to the branch first?  Do I need to `push --overwrite`?   Is this much
harder than it seems?

I think we should (almost) never allow users to push to ubuntu: or debianlp:
branches, or at least, highly discourage it.  Just do the upload and let the
importer create the new revisions and it seems like that avoids a lot of
headaches and failures.  I'm not sure if there's anything more we can do
except to document this properly in the Ubuntu Developer Guide.


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