Our biweekly meetings

Barry Warsaw barry at canonical.com
Fri Sep 9 15:50:46 UTC 2011

Apologies for the delayed response.  Note that we ended up not meeting on
Wednesday because it was only Jelmer and myself. ;)  Maybe the thing to do is
to suspend the meetings until we have a clear agenda for them moving forward.

Note that I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing!  While there are some
big ticket items that really need addressing (e.g. the quilt story), for me,
UDD is a huge success.  Despite the warts, I personally can't imagine working
any other way.

On Sep 06, 2011, at 03:12 PM, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:

>The main thing I appreciated about the meetings was hearing what other people
>had done towards UDD.

A common theme these days: let's celebrate your successes!

One possible change in format would be to do a lightning round, and just go
around the "table" with each person identifying one or two items they've run
into, fixed, hacked on, or have a wild idea about.  I would certainly love to
hear about what you guys are excited about that might be coming soon.  If
there was some new feature, I'd be happy to run a dev branch for a bit to try
things out.

A great example is the branch status messages that bzr now gives.  The
original status lines needed a bit of tweaking, but now that it's landed, I am
absolutely ecstatic about the feature.  JAM, you nailed it!

>I think a part of this is also that UDD as a project doesn't really have
>releases - and no really visible changelog. So despite a lot of things
>getting done, we normally wouldn't hear about them.

Agreed.  The lightning round might do the trick there.

>Another thing that was occasionally useful was discussions about particular
>problems, like what to do about the project branch and packaging branch for a
>native package. The mailing list seems to work reasonably well for that sort
>of discussion too though, when it happens to come up.

What do you think about this: after the lightening round, we can have one or
two brief discussions on any particular design or implementation point for
which the higher bandwidth would be useful?

Mostly, I want to cut out the boring parts of the meeting, or anything we can
do just as well over email.  Let's make the meetings fun and interesting to
participate in, and maybe we'd get more than just us chiming in. :)

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