Summary from UDD meeting 2011-03-23

Francis J. Lacoste francis.lacoste at
Thu Mar 24 14:44:10 UTC 2011

On March 23, 2011, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> * The build-from-branch-into-primary LEP is awaiting assignment to an LP
> squad for implementation.  Martin and Francis are hopeful that it will be
> scheduled and live by UDS-O.

Actually, that doesn't look so rosy anymore. Initial reviews found that 
finishing subscriptions and derived distros will take longer than initially 
thought. And we also have push back from some stakeholders on making this item 
jump the queue. 

Today, it looks very unlikely that a Launchpad squad could be assigned to this 
and finish it before UDS-O :-/

Francis J. Lacoste
francis.lacoste at
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