Summary from UDD meeting 2011-03-23

Barry Warsaw barry at
Wed Mar 23 22:06:03 UTC 2011

After a few weeks off, we had another UDD meeting today.  The full minutes are
available here:

but I just wanted to highlight a few items from the summary.  There's been
really excellent progress on many fronts, so kudos to the bzr team and
everyone else who uses UDD to develop for Ubuntu, reports bugs, provides
feedback, and otherwise participates in the project.

* The build-from-branch-into-primary LEP is awaiting assignment to an LP squad
  for implementation.  Martin and Francis are hopeful that it will be
  scheduled and live by UDS-O.

* Steve says he "has been doing lots of udd branches for multiarch and
  gobject-introspection was the only out-of-date one."  Yay!

* The UDD documentation branch was merged to the new Ubuntu Packaging Guide.
  I don't think the latter has yet been published on the web, but when it is,
  I'll update the UDD wiki pages to point to it.

* If you're using UDD to do SRUs, please tell us what you did and how it went!

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