"Ubuntu Packaging Guide"

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 15:28:05 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Jun 03, 2011, at 10:07 AM, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> >From what I understand, there are people doing things all sorts of ways with
>>quilt, and I really don't want to have to learn all the ways people are using
>>quilt with bzr and try to figure out *which* way any particular package is
>>using that combination.  I'll stick to apt-get source for those.
> I've successfully used the guidelines on this page for several quilt packages:
> http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/packaging-guide/html/udd-patchsys.html
> By no means is it perfect, which everyone acknowledges.  Depending on your
> level of pain tolerance, you don't necessarily have to punt on UDD right away
> when working on a quilt3 package.

What if you just want to do "quilt import ../mychanges.patch" (my
usual use-case for quilt)?  Right now, I'm thinking the old cheater
way (cp ../mychanges.patch debian/patches && echo "mychanges.patch" >>
debian/patches/series) seems a lot easier.

Also, the text between the code-boxes on that page are not so helpful
if you don't know what a loom or a thread are. Well, I mean, I know
what real looms and real threads are (and goodness are real looms ever
*expensive*!), but I don't think my textile interests are much help
here.  I'm guessing that a thread is a branch of a branch, but hiding
inside the meta-branch like how git branches all live in one dir, but
really this is my confusion talking.

(My current advice to mentee about UDD + quilt is "don't")

Mackenzie Morgan

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