"Ubuntu Packaging Guide"

Barry Warsaw barry at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 3 14:50:34 UTC 2011

On Jun 03, 2011, at 10:07 AM, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:

>From what I understand, there are people doing things all sorts of ways with 
>quilt, and I really don't want to have to learn all the ways people are using 
>quilt with bzr and try to figure out *which* way any particular package is 
>using that combination.  I'll stick to apt-get source for those.

I've successfully used the guidelines on this page for several quilt packages:


By no means is it perfect, which everyone acknowledges.  Depending on your
level of pain tolerance, you don't necessarily have to punt on UDD right away
when working on a quilt3 package.

>Still have to dput anyway...

For now... :)

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