UDD survey results

Francis J. Lacoste francis.lacoste at canonical.com
Thu Nov 18 19:34:40 GMT 2010

On November 18, 2010, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> On 11/18/2010 12:04 PM, Francis J. Lacoste wrote:
> > On November 18, 2010, Martin Pool wrote:
> >> Net promoter score: 22 would recommend overall "Ubuntu development
> >> using Bazaar" at least fairly strongly (net promoter score 7..10); 6
> >> would recommend avoiding it (0..3).  However, 50 people skipped this
> >> question, perhaps suggesting they have mixed feelings, or the question
> >> was poorly stated (eg they don't see it as a thing they recommend to
> >> others.)
> > 
> > Sorry to bring bad news, but net promoter is actually % of 9-10 minus %
> > of 0-6. In this case, we have a NP of -35.
> I'm not sure how you are counting, but I get 12 9-10s vs 13 0-6s, which
> is, indeed, negative.
> However, there is another 9 8s, which would skew it up a lot.
> Anyway, I don't know the net promoter stuff. I certainly don't see how
> you get 1-in-35 being "-35".


My mistake, you are right. I completely missed the 9 people who gave it a 10.

So indeed, the net promoter score is (12/46)-(13/46) = -0.02 which is a lot 
less negative.

As to why the 9 8s don't skew anything, it's because 7 and 8 are considered 
passive adopters. People who like your software a lot, but are not enthuastic 
enough to really promote it. It's as if, psychologically there is a chasm 
between answering 8 or 9 to the question: 'On a scale of 0-10 how are you 
satisfied with X.' It seems there are wide differences in the experience of 
satisfaction between people who answer 8 or 9.  (Or put differently: 
satisfaction rating doesn't operate on a linear scale.) Not sure how this is 
backed up by formal research though. Net promoter score has a lot of 
controversy around it.

Francis J. Lacoste
francis.lacoste at canonical.com
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