Upstream in Launchpad adds confusion

Barry Warsaw barry at
Thu Nov 4 18:25:26 GMT 2010

So, I made a patch against ubuntu:python-distutils-extra and submitted a merge

A few interesting things happened.  As part of my branch, I removed the .pc
directory from bzr.  IIUC, that quilt3 artifact should not have been under
version control.  Still, that does distract from the important part of my

In the review, Martin suggests that the change really should have been
submitted against lp:python-distutils-extra (i.e. the upstream rather than the
source branch).  This is a confusion that has come up a few times for packages
that are upstream hosted on Launchpad.  In those cases we can have several
branches of the code, upstream, perhaps a debianized branch of upstream, and
all the source branches.

Now, I don't mind redoing the patch for the upstream branch, but I'm wondering
if there's something we - or Launchpad - can do to make that less wasteful of
a developer's time.  I don't have any bright ideas, except perhaps something
on the source branch page that a maintainer could set to redirect folks to the
upstream branch.

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