parallel imports
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Mon Mar 1 21:02:23 GMT 2010
Hash: SHA1
Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> I realize I've brought up this topic before, but I think it's becoming
> increasingly important because of udd and it would be nice to know what
> the plans are (if any?) to deal with it.
> Bazaar does not have a way to do parallel imports properly. If two
> branches use different file ids for the same file then merging between
> the branches will cause conflicts every time.
> This is an issue for example when merging from upstream into the bazaar
> branches created by James' package importer.
> E.g. recently I have tried to use Bazaar to upload a newer version of
> Heimdal to Debian experimental. Ideally something like this should work:
> bzr branch lp:debian/sid/heimdal
> cd heimdal
> bzr merge lp:heimdal
> dch -v 1.4.0~bzr`bzr revno lp:heimdal` "New upstream snapshot."
> debcommit
> bzr bd
> It doesn't because of the file id conflicts in "bzr merge lp:heimdal"
> step.
> Are there any plans to deal with these file id conflicts in Bazaar
> itself, or do we rather need tools that basically rebase branches to use
> different file ids ?
I think the easiest path forward is just a rebase that works cleanly,
and can be applied to more branches after the fact. (If I rebase branch
A, then updating B which is based on A should be easy.)
Note that 'udd' has requested a feature for a hook to inform users that
they need to do something special when 'bzr merge B' fails, rebasing
could easily hook into whatever we sort out for package imports + upstreams.
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