parallel imports

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Mar 1 02:52:07 GMT 2010

On 1 March 2010 07:30, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
> I realize I've brought up this topic before, but I think it's becoming
> increasingly important because of udd and it would be nice to know what
> the plans are (if any?) to deal with it.
> Bazaar does not have a way to do parallel imports properly. If two
> branches use different file ids for the same file then merging between
> the branches will cause conflicts every time.
> This is an issue for example when merging from upstream into the bazaar
> branches created by James' package importer.
> E.g. recently I have tried to use Bazaar to upload a newer version of
> Heimdal to Debian experimental. Ideally something like this should work:
> bzr branch lp:debian/sid/heimdal
> cd heimdal
> bzr merge lp:heimdal
> dch -v 1.4.0~bzr`bzr revno lp:heimdal` "New upstream snapshot."
> debcommit
> bzr bd
> It doesn't because of the file id conflicts in "bzr merge lp:heimdal"
> step.
> Are there any plans to deal with these file id conflicts in Bazaar
> itself, or do we rather need tools that basically rebase branches to use
> different file ids ?

I think we should deal with this properly inside bzr itself, and that
would fit into our focus on merge/conflict stuff for 2.2.  (There are
other aspects that seem easier to do first, but if this is the most
useful part for udd, that would bump its  importance up.)  We don't
yet have a specific settled proposal for precisely how to handle them
but that would be the obvious next step.

Martin <>

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