Growth of Ubuntu Distributed Development

James Westby james.westby at
Mon Jul 26 20:18:54 BST 2010

On Sat, 24 Jul 2010 10:11:51 +0200, Mathias Gug <mathiaz at> wrote:
> We've also talked about bzr/LP recipes.
> I'd like to be able to write a recipe that includes the debian/
> directory from a package in Ubuntu. That would help in bootstrapping a
> recipe as well as checking whether the packaging code still applies to
> the upstream branch.
> Something similar to (I don't remember the exact syntax):
>  lp:puppet/trunk
>  lp:ubuntu/maverick/puppet

Andrew is working on making this possible.

> The recipe above would take the latest upstream trunk and the debian
> packaging from the maverick puppet package to build a package.
> I'd also like to be able to build a specific tag from upstream:
>  lp:puppet/trunk 2.6.0
>  lp:ubuntu/maverick/puppet

That's possible with

  lp:puppet/trunk tag:2.6.0

> In the example above, 2.6.0 is an tag in the upstream git repository
> (which is imported in LP).

Assuming that part all works fine.

> We've also talked about integration with a CI system (hudson and/or
> tarmac?). Whenever a new package is built successfully (ie available in
> a PPA) the CI system automatically starts a test using the PPA. James
> mentioned that some notification system is needed (already available
> somehow?).

We can write code to poll for new packages easily. Is hudson the right
thing for controlling the testing? Can you trigger it to run against a
package whenever we like? Or could we have a plugin so that it watches a
PPA rather than a VCS for things to do?

> I'd also like to be able to create a recipe that automatically builds a
> new package when:
>  1. a new revision appears in the upstream bzr branch
>  2. a new tag appears in the upstream bzr branch
>  3. on a regular basis (daily, hourly).

Without outside scripting only daily or on demand are available right
now. I think all the others make sense, but it's up to the Launchpad
team what they want to support built in, given UI and resource



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