Recipes vs. Looms vs. pipelines

Robert Collins robert.collins at
Tue Jan 5 21:09:28 GMT 2010

On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 10:30 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> If you have a purely 'stack' model, and have:
> - - feature2
> - - feature1
> - - upstream
> If someone wants just 'feature2' they have to cherrypick or get feature1.

Only if we have merged feature1 stuff into feature2; and its quite
possible to skip doing that while preserving a stack description -
remember that each revision has dag info, so we don't need a dag at the
list of branches level.

> The changes for loom itself, are stuff like 'up-thread' from feature1 =>
> feature2 is just a 'switch'. But up-thread from feature2 => integration
> (or feature1) requires a merge from both feature1 and feature2 (probably
> committing inbetween.)

I think I filed a bug, but I plan to reduce the noop commits massively

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