RFC on build from branch UI

Michael Nelson michael.nelson at canonical.com
Thu Feb 11 08:46:45 GMT 2010

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:30 AM, Michael Hudson
<michael.hudson at canonical.com> wrote:
> Tim Penhey wrote:
>> On Tue, 02 Feb 2010 23:01:49 Michael Nelson wrote:
>>> https://dev.launchpad.net/BuildBranchToArchiveUI
>> Hi Michael,
>> Firstly I think you have done an awesome job with the UI mock-ups.  I talked
>> with Michael Hudson today, and here is the summary of what came up. I'm not
>> expecting you to answer all of these, but to give us notes to work from.
>> We agreed that it is important to focus on the initial workflow of creating a
>> new daily build of a branch into a PPA.
> One part of the mock up I was a bit uncomfortable with was the "view
> details" section of selecting a recipe.  It seems as if this allowed
> editing the recipe -- if this is the case, I think it's a bit wrong.

Sorry - I don't currently an example mockup of that, but no, it would
not be editable (that would be very confusing... am I editing someone
elses recipe? or creating a variant etc. etc.).

So the "view details" link is only there because there will be some
cases where a person who is considering re-using a recipe will need
more than the textual description displayed already, and will need to
see the exact details to be able to make a decision. I'll try to get a
use-case with mockups that uses it done soon to avoid that confusion.

It is possible that if the recipe is owned by you, when viewing the
recipe detail we could include an obvious "You are the owner of this
recipe. [Edit]" link, but it would need to be a very clear interaction
from "View details -> I own this so I can edit it, click "Edit recipe"
-> update click Save" etc. I'll get a mockup of this done later so we
can evaluate whether it's worth having here (as opposed to on a normal
view recipe URL).

> The dialog that lets you edit a recipe should have a button labelled
> "Save" at the bottom of it, not build, to emphasise that one is editing
> a shared resource, not something specific to this build.

Hmm... I'm not sure what you're referring to, as there isn't yet a
dialog for editing a recipe, only creating one, which does have a save


And I don't think that editing a shared resource is something we can
manage in a sane way? (I'm realising how much easier it is to have
phone conversations and walking through mockups!)

> So perhaps the
> workflow should be select recipe, edit recipe, this pops up another
> dialog, save, goes back to selection screen with edited recipe selected,
> then click build.  I think James already said something like this.

This sounds exactly like the interaction for creating a new recipe described at:

So the current mockups don't include a use-case where the recipe is
edited at all, but when we add it I'd assume it would be exactly as
you have above, with an additional 'view recipe' before 'edit'...

Let me know if I've misunderstood anything. Thanks Michael.

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