udd team on launchpad

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Sat Nov 21 15:17:13 GMT 2009

On Thu Nov 19 20:09:56 -0600 2009 Robert Collins wrote:
> What does the udd team on launchpad govern?

I think it's just the maintainer of the udd project, to get
bug mail etc. IIRC you created, what purpose did you have in

> Who should be in it?

We need to know the purpose before we can answer that.

> who should govern who is in it (Currently James Westby and I do, but
> perhaps it should be delegated from e.g. the TB)/

If it is used in a structural way within Ubuntu then the TB is
appropriate. If it is just used for organising our work then I
don't think it is.

> does it need to be moderated or should it be open for anyone to join?

Again we need to know the purpose.

> The description just says 'folk that are interested in udd', which
> suggests making it open would be safe.

I would agree if that is all it is for.

Do we have any need for a controlled team that we can grant permissions

You have made me think of the ~ubuntu-branches team, should that
be owned by the TB jml?



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